New Mexico Trophy Hunt!

new mexico trophy hunt land
Nathan and Amanda moved to New Mexico years ago to began outfitting private big game hunts on the family owned ranch. Now a decade later, they own and operate New Mexico Trophy Hunt with their 3 boys. The property is located north of the town of Des Moines, NM by about 10 miles and is home to many trophy quality animals from several different species. Elevations range from 5700′ to about 7500′ and the landscape varies from riverside irrigated farm land to steep, rocky and heavily timbered country up to high prairie grasslands covering extinct volcanic formations. With roughly 15,000 acres of private land in NM game units 57 and 58, New Mexico Trophy Hunt has all inclusive hunts for 5 different species of big game as well as Merriam turkey.

new mexico trophy hunt deer

Nathan and Amanda were living in colorado working 9-5 jobs when they had opportunity to take over the hunting lease on the family ranch. They moved into a broken down 100 year old farmhouse on the ranch and turned it into an ideal hunters retreat. Accommodations are now very comfortable with a private guest house complete with handmade custom furniture, wi-fi, flat screen hd tv, and hot showers. The “bunkhouse” is far from roughing it. Also available is the “Sunrise” cabin. A charming little one room rustic cabin with a beautiful view of the eastern horizon. The cabin and bunkhouse are available as bed and breakfast accommodations in the off season.

new mexico trophy hunt accommodations

Seasoned hunters will be delighted with the the trophy game on the private ranch. New Mexico Trophy Hunt also offers trips for hunters that are new to the sport. Regardless of your skill level, New Mexico Trophy Hunt needs to be on the list for your next hunting adventure.

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Or Call Nathan at 844-285-0313

New Mexico Trophy Hunt has built its reputation on high quality animals. Management on this ranch is of great importance. Having operated this way for over a decade, the quality of game has increased dramatically. Clients have the opportunity to hunt quality elk, mule deer, antelope, mountain lion, black bear and turkey. None of these hunts require a state draw or lottery for tags. Through a combination of both private land owner and over the counter tags all of these hunts are available with guaranteed tags.

Elk season begins September 1-22 with archery and runs October 1st – December 31st for rifle. The peak of the rut tends to fall during the break between the two hunts. Rifle hunters are sure to hear bulls bugling and see them chasing cows during the first weeks of the hunt. Cow elk hunting takes place from November through the end of the year. This is a great hunt to put some meat in the freezer for winter! Spring turkey hunting is excellent. The gobblers here have likely never heard a turkey call! New Mexico Trophy Hunt also participates in a habitat improvement incentive program in cooperation with the State Game and Fish Department. This cooperation results in hunting privileges for mule deer late into the rut time of year. These tags are valid anytime December 1 through January 31. However the prime time for this hunt is early December. Antelope and bear hunts take place late august into early September.

Hunt dates and duration are set by the state. Most are 5 days with the exception of antelope, which is a 3 day hunt. The ranch has accommodated up to 6 hunters but a group of 4 is ideal. New Mexico Trophy Hunt caters to small groups, excels at personal attention and the details. When you book your hunt you will have the ranch the guides and the lodging to yourself for the duration of the hunt.

new mexico trophy hunt elk

All trophy hunts include a 1 on 1 guide, landowner tag, state license, state tax, meals and lodging. Field dressing and game retrieval will also be taken care of. All you have to do is show up and hunt! The lodge is located directly on the hunting property with easy access to 100 + miles of dirt road. When possible the use of 4×4 vehicles is taken advantage of. This is tough country and the best way to cover it is on foot, be ready to walk. Elevations are not extreme so overall the trips are moderately physical. Expect and train to walk 5 miles daily. Archery hunts involve more physical activity than rifle hunts, expect and train to walk up to 10 miles daily. The meals are excellent and are responsible for much of the return clientele. Amanda prepares home cooked meals using ranch raised beef, farm fresh eggs, and locally grown vegetables when available. Just what you need after a 10 mile hike. Give them a call, you wont be disappointed!


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