The weather deteriorated on Day 2 and captains and teams battled strong winds and squalls. Despite the conditions Lion’s Den made quick work of 5 releases before noon as well as a 39.6 pound cobia that won the heaviest meat fish category. They ended up winning $38,100 for 8th place in the sailfish tournament and 1st place in the meat fish division.
After the three way tie on Day 1, Day 2 was even closer. In the final hours there was a 4 way tie between teams Crescendo, Contender One, Sandman and Weez in the Keys (Crescendo was leading on time). Two minutes before lines out Crescendo radioed in that they had hooked a fresh one. They successfully leadered and released the fish to convincingly win first place in Leg 1 of the Quest for the Crest Sailfish Series. Captain Skip Dana and his crew fished on a center console and one of the smaller boats in the tournament but they didn’t let that hold them back. They won a set of engraved dog tags and a check for $239,280! Contender One took home 2nd (same as they did last year) and a check for $67,470. Rounding out third place was Sandman who took home $61,850. Team Seraphim, past winners of the Sailfish 400, had seven releases and a second place daily that was good for $45,770.
The Master Angler award went to John “J” Walls fishing on the Finster with 5 releases. Stephanie Choate fishing on the Miss Britt won Top Lady Angler with five releases as well. Top Junior Angler went to Matthew Yee with one release on the Reel Captivating.
The next leg, leg 2 of 4, is the Sailfish 400 taking place on January 11th – 15th, 2017 in Miami. To see the complete results and get more information on registering for the remaining tournaments, visit www.questforthecrest.com.
Editorial Contributor – Lewie Aldridge
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