GT Outfitters: Utah Big Game Hunting

gt outfitters running back country big-game hunts

Cody Webster and his dad, Guy, run GT outfitters in Green River, Utah. They specialize in Utah big game hunting for pronghorn antelope, black bear, mountain lion, bison, elk, mule deer, and wild sheep. Cody grew up hunting and it is all he’s known and all he’s done. When cody was a kid his dad started guiding hunts. One of his first jobs was helping around camp and with the pack animals. By his junior year in high school Cody was working summers guiding bear hunters in Canada and guiding hunts in Utah in the fall. Hunting is his passion and he has done everything from bear to mountain lion to pheasant.

wild sheep utah big game hunting with gt outfitters

7 years ago Cody and his dad created GT Outfitters because they knew as independent guides they could provide the best Utah big game hunting possible. They have run GT Outfitters together and have consistently provided an amazing experience to their hunters. They have built their reputation and grown their business by providing high-touch hunts and taking care of their clients. Cody or his dad personally attend every hunt. Cody and his dad also train and maintain a pack of successful big game hunting hounds. Their year round commitment to these dogs means they spend a lot of time on the mountain in between hunts and out of season.

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Or Call Cody at 888-240-9198

They hunt the Book Cliffs, Rattlesnake, Nine Mile and San Rafael units in Eastern Utah. Depending on the season they specialize in hunting for elk, deer, antelope, bighorn sheep, buffalo, cougar and bear. Eastern Utah is home of the famous Book Cliffs, this area provides scenery ranging from the red rock often seen in Southern Utah to the greens of the Northern Alpine regions. The variety of habitat, and the 3500′ elevation change from 4500′ to 8000′) makes this area perfect for supporting a n abundance of wildlife. GT Outfitters is there to help you get your trophy!

With an attitude that “this is your hunt, not ours”, GT Outfitters will custom taylor their adventures to suit your skill level, your physical conditioning, and your desires. Hunts are typically 5 days but the archery hunts can go up to 7 days. This model gives you the best chance at finding the animal of a lifetime. Whether you are packing in on mules, riding in on ATVs, or bringing a trailer to camp, the hunts are all inclusive (including field dressing). Utah big game hunting is probably more accessible than you realized.

trophy mountain lion hunts with gt outfitters

Utah big game hunting tags are on a draw system. For most non-residents it will take years to get a tag for most species so if you are considering a big game hunt in Utah it is best to start the process now. Step one is to contact GT Outfitters to figure out how to get your tag and plan your hunt. For hunters who want to book a hunting adventure sooner, mountain lion tags are over the counter. So if a trophy mountain lion is on your bucket list you can plan your hunt much sooner. December is prime time for mountain lion hunts and depending on the weather and conditions GT Outfitters will guide mountain lion hunts all winter long.


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