10 Things you Didn’t Know About Hunters

Hunting with dog

Just like with our “10 Things you Didn’t Know About Fishermen“, this week we are exploring some of the things that the non-hunting public would be surprised to know about hunters. Hunters share a love of the outdoors and our natural world, but their similarities don’t end there…

  1. Teddy Roosevelt, a passionate hunter and outdoorsman, laid the groundwork for the National Parks System and was responsible for protecting 230 million acres of wilderness. This is the sort of large scale conservation that we, as hunters, advocate for more fervently than just about any other group. In fact, through taxes and licenses alone, hunters raise more than $1B a year for conservation.
  2. Hunters have a more nutritional and sustainable diet than non-hunters. Wild game is a lean protein, low in fat, and contains no hormones or antibiotics. The legal harvesting of wild game leaves healthy populations for future generations. In contrast, the mass producing of meat can be very polluting to the environment, wreck habitat, and the final product is low quality.
  3. We hate waste. As hunters we are very connected to our food. We know exactly what goes into harvesting, cleaning, and cooking our meat and so we are not willing to waste any of it, even when it comes from the store.
  4. We are fanatics about safety. From firearm safety to outdoor safety, getting out there to hunt is less important than getting back safe.
  5. Hunting is not dying out or obsolete, it is a growing sport! Women hunters are the fastest growing segment of hunters. Currently around 10% of the population in the US hunts. So 1 out of 10 of us are hunters.
  6. We get really good exercise from hunting. Venturing into the field and submersing ourselves in nature is good for the body and mind.
  7. We are really good at being self sufficient. When we hunt we bring everything with us to survive the elements, shoot, dress, and pack out our game. Often on foot!
  8. Our senses are heightened. When it comes to seeing and hearing we are really good at picking out small changes in the sights and sounds of our surroundings.
  9. We are excellent teachers. Whether it is our kids or friends new to the sport, we love teaching new hunters about safety, wild game, land management, conservation, and following your passion.
  10. We love our dogs. As a group hunters are some of the most attentive dog owners. We make sure our pet/hunting partner gets the best food, vet care, training, and exercise.


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Fin & Field is all about finding your next adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

Tight Lines & Happy Hunting!

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