Palm Beach Sailfish Classic: Making a Big Impact

palm beach sailfish classic

The Palm Beach Sailfish Classic is a little tournament making a BIG impact. The tournament is coming up on November 18th – November 20th in Palm Beach, Florida. In addition to a high caliber kick off dinner and awards presentation, anglers enjoy two days of awesome sailfish fishing. The format is 100% release for all sailfish, fish caught on live bait are worth 100 points and fish caught on dead bait warn 150 points. Award categories are: Top Overall Angler, Top Junior Angler, Top Lady Angler, 1st Place Boat, 2nd Place Boat, 3rd Place Boat, Heaviest Dolphin, and Heaviest Wahoo. In addition to the simple rules, great format, and awesome events, there is an even better reason to fish the Palm Beach Sailfish Classic – Making wishes come true!

The tournament was started in 2006 as a true charity event designed to benefit youth in South Florida. Tournament Director Pat Ross started the Palm Beach Sailfish Classic so she could bring together a group of dedicated volunteers, bring awareness to the South Florida COmmunity, and make a difference for a children’s cause. For the last 10 years the Make a Wish Foundation of Southern Florida has been the primary beneficiary.

palm beach sailfish classic make a wish foundation fishermen

Everyone who fishes the Palm Beach Sailfish Classic understands what they are doing, the impact it has, and come back every year to be a part of the fun, the camaraderie, and the great cause. Ross expects around 25 boats and about 100 anglers to participate this year. To date, they have been able to donate $335,000 to charity, They have funded 50 children’s wishes including trips to Paris, the Great Wall of China, snow vacations, awesome tree houses, a backyard football field, Disney Cruises, and visits with famous actors, artists, and athletes. Last year alone the tournament was able to grant 6 wishes, 3 of those families will be attending the Palm Beach Sailfish Classic this year and speaking about their experiences.

palm beach sailfish classic make a wish foundation

The tournament also benefits The Billfish Foundation to promote conservation education and provides 5 scholarships for kids entering the maritime industry. Registration is only $2100 if you register by 11/11/2016, after that it increases to $2350. Contact Pat Ross if you need to hire a charter boat for the tournament or if you need help filling out your crew for the tournament.

palm beach sailfish classic winners

Because of its reputation for making an impact, the tournament attracts a large list of sponsors including Sunset Marina, Viking Service Center, American Custom Yachts, Downey Yacht Sales, Treasure Coast Propellers, HMY, Waterfront Yacht Brokerage, Murray Marine, Marine Industry Association of Palm Beach County, and Rybovich. A special thanks to Bonner Mobile Bar for donating the bar, Paella King donates food, Ocean Blue Graphics donates design work, and Tito’s Vodka is providing vodka.



Editorial & Photo Credit – Lewie Aldridge

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