Catching World Records

Catching a world record — line class, all-tackle weight or all-tackle length — represents the ultimate achievement for countless sport-fishing enthusiasts. While the All-Tackle category often results from being in the right place at the right time with a healthy dose of luck, the odds of broaching individual Line Class or All-Tackle Length categories are much greater, especially with advance preparation. Know the Rules The International Game Fish Association, the governing body that sets sport-fishing rules and ethics, maitains strict guidelines record catches on conventional and fly tackle. IGFA members receive the annual World Record Game Fishes, which lists all existing records along with the rules. Non-members access the All-Tackle catches via the organization’s web site. For example, all men’s and women’s fly records for Atlantic halibut are unfilled. Catch one of these, submit a valid application, and you’re an instant legend. Record fish don’t have to be killed; Eligible species can be released after they are measured for length. Of the 20 conventional categories, more than a dozen tripletail records have been set in the Port Canaveral, Florida area between May and October. Dave Lear is the IGFA representative for North Florida.
yellowfin tuna
The potential for junior angler records is wide open for big fish like this yellowfin tuna.

Catching a world record — line class, all-tackle weight or all-tackle length — represents the ultimate achievement for countless sport-fishing enthusiasts. While the All-Tackle category often results from being in the right place at the right time with a healthy dose of luck, the odds of broaching individual Line Class or All-Tackle Length categories are much greater, especially with advance preparation. Here are some tips to begin a world record quest.

Know the Rules

The International Game Fish Association, the governing body that sets sport-fishing rules and ethics, maitains strict guidelines record catches on conventional and fly tackle. Leader and tippet length, amount of double line permitted, number of hooks, and dos and don’ts of landing a potential record are just some of the details involved.

tripletail fishing in Florida

IGFA members receive the annual World Record Game Fishes, which lists all existing records along with the rules. Non-members access the All-Tackle catches via the organization’s web site. Play by the rules and you’ve passed the first step for record approval.

Do the Research

Numerous species still have open class categories. For example, all men’s and women’s fly records for Atlantic halibut are unfilled. Ladyfish up…

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