Spotlight on York Outfitters

York Outfitters taking clients on a hunt in the Bitterroot Selway Wilderness on 4wd vehicles and their snow groomer

York Outfitters has led professionally organized hunts for the last 85 years into the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness (learn more). This 1.3 million acre site has abundant and diverse wildlife, offering countless opportunities for large and small game.

Their base camp is located on four beautiful acres, with access to the surrounding 65 square miles of pristine, beautiful, and rugged mountains. Some of the hunts take place in designated Wilderness areas while some are on private ranches. York outfitters utilizes well trained saddle horses and pack Mules to provide first class hunting experiences.

With different spike camps spread across big game country, all within 3 to 15 miles from the base camp, York Outfitters can select a campsite based on the location of game and forecasted weather conditions.


Hunter poses with whitetail deer shot at Selway Bitterroot Wilderness area with York Outfitters.

Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness offers archers and rifle hunters the opportunity to target Whitetail and Mule deer. You can combine Mule Deer and Elk hunts. All of the rifle hunts are in the designated wilderness areas and archers can hunt the wilderness areas or the private ranches.

Black Bear

Several hunters pose with a black bear hide, harvested in the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness area with York Outfitters

Stalk a black bear in the spring for a unique adventure with York Outfitters. Cross the Green Mountain Pass at 8,000 ft to get to the basecamp where you will be at least 40 miles from anyone. Their snow groomer guarantees the pass is open. You can stalk the color phase black bears.


Hunter poses with bull elk harvested in the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness with York Outfitters

Use horses and mules to pack into the back country in September to hunt big bull Elk when they are bugling. According to the Department of Fish and Game this hunting unit is one of the top 10 in the state for 6+ point bulls. You can use your bow, muzzle loader, or modern rifle.

Mountain Lion

Cabin used by hunters in the Selway Bitterroot Wilderness to hunt Mountain Lion

November through January York Outfitters leads 2 person mountain lion hunts. These elusive animals are hunted with the aid of well trained hounds, specially raised by York Outfitters. Following the hounds as they stalk a mountain lion is the adventure of a lifetime. The hunt takes place from horseback, snowmobiles, or 4wd vehicles depending on the weather and the terrain.

Guide School

Student leading horses at York Outfitters hunting guide school

York Outfitters Outdoor Adventure Guide School is a 15 day course taught every August designed to make you a better hunter, outdoorsman, and maybe even launch a dream career as a hunting guide and/or outfitter. Learn about wilderness survival, horsemanship, first aid, conservation, guide duties, big game techniques, caring for your harvest, and more. The course is suitable for any age group and is a hands on experience.

Call Chad today at (855) 613-3181


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Fin & Field is all about finding your next adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

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