Mothers Day Adventure Ideas

Happy mothers day from your sons and daughters who hunt and fish

We all know what mom says when you ask her what she wants for her birthday, Christmas, or Mother Day. “I don’t know, just spending time together is the only gift I need”. For some of us, mom actually helped us get into hunting or fishing and is out in the outdoors with us. Kudos to those moms! But all too often mom isn’t included and you may be surprised to find out that mom actually wants to come with you! (At least sometimes). So for this Mothers Day why not ask if she wants to come fishing or hunting and see why you love outdoor adventures. Then plan a trip especially to include MOM! If you are short on ideas here are three steps to get you started.

horizontal image of an elderly senior woman with a walker fishing at the edge of the lake with trees and rocks lining the shoreline in the summer time

1. Be realistic about her abilities and desires and plan a trip accordingly. In other words, don’t over do it. A small dose of hunting or fishing is plenty.

  • Get her some gear that matches her skill level and appropriate apparel to make her time outdoors more comfortable.
  • Stay safe and have fun, she wont care as much about catching fish or finding game as she does about spending time with YOU!

Jgerin auf einer Treibjagd

2. Use Fin & Field to search for nearby adventures and compare the trips.

  • Filter by your desired activity (hunting or fishing) or even by target species.
  • Search be geographic location, its best to stay close to home for the first outing.
  • Read about the operators in your search results and look at the specific adventures they offer.

Family Group Sitting On Boat With Fishing Rod On Winter Beach

3. When you find one that fits what you and your mom want to do, contact the operator and book a trip!

  • When a specific adventure jumps out at you, show it to your mom and if she is excited too then it is time to book a Trip!
  • Involving your mom during the planning will make her feel like the trip is about her.

It is as simple as that! Three steps and you are on your way to spending time with your mom and including her in your favorite activity. If you are planning this trip for your wife make sure to include the kids as well. We all love the outdoors and love adventures, but family comes first and including mom is a great way to get outdoors AND be a good son or daughter.


About Fin & Field

#FinandField #FYNA #DreamBig2016

Fin & Field is all about finding your next adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

Tight Lines & Happy Hunting!

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