Springfield Armory Professional 9mm: Behind-the-Scenes at Custom Shop

Oftentimes these craftsmen rely on “feel,” something that can’t be duplicated by a machining process, and earned through many years of dedication to the platform. “The Springfield Armory Custom Shop is a collection of over 200 years of experience trying to reach the absolute pinnacle of what custom 1911 gunsmithing is,” says Springfield Armory Custom Shop Pistolsmith, Troy Schulz. To view Springfield Armory’s lineup of full-house custom shop 1911s visit www.springfield-armory.com/custom/. About Springfield Armory® In 1794, the original Springfield Armory was designated as our national armory by General George Washington, and began manufacturing muskets for the defense of our young, free Republic. This monumental institution went on to serve as a think tank for developing innovative firearms concepts and producing some of the most storied rifle platforms in our country’s history. The Armory functioned as a firearms supplier for every major American conflict until 1968 when the government sadly closed its doors. Springfield Armory Inc. engineers, manufactures and assembles their high-quality 1911, 911, SAINT® AR-15 and legendary M1A™ lines of firearms in Geneseo, Illinois. We strive to honor this responsibility as guardians of the original Springfield Armory legacy by manufacturing the highest quality firearms to enable responsible citizens to preserve their right to keep and bear arms in the defense of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. With an unmatched emphasis on craftsmanship, performance and exceptional customer service, our mission is to forge superior firearms and provide the tools necessary to defend individual freedoms and equality for those who embrace the rights and principles secured by our Founding Fathers. The Women's Outdoor News, aka The WON, features news, reviews and stories about women who are shooting, hunting, fishing and actively engaging in outdoor adventure.

Springfield Armory announces the release of the Professional Model 1911 in 9mm with a new documentary-style video on its legendary Custom Shop.

The Springfield Armory line of custom 1911s are methodically built with a level of patience and precision that honors the tradition of the venerable pistol platform. The Custom Shop pistols are carefully hand-built by master Springfield Armory Pistolsmiths in the pursuit of creating the finest custom 1911s on the market.

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Such fine attention to detail has earned Springfield Armory’s Custom Shop the FBI’s coveted Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) pistol contract with the Professional Model in .45ACP, and now available in 9mm.

Oftentimes these craftsmen rely on “feel,” something that can’t be duplicated by a machining process, and earned through many years of dedication to the platform.

“The Springfield Armory Custom Shop is a collection of over 200 years of experience trying to reach the absolute pinnacle of what custom 1911 gunsmithing is,” says Springfield Armory Custom Shop Pistolsmith, Troy Schulz. “What we’re ultimately aiming for is absolute perfection.”

Springfield-1911-9mm1 Custom Shop
“I like it to look like a work of art, but I also want it to function like a work of art,” explains Don Stogsdill, Team Leader of the Custom Shop with 25 years of experience at Springfield Armory.

Enjoy a detailed look behind-the-scenes of Springfield Armory’s Custom…

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