10 Things you Didn’t Know About Fishermen

anglers fishing early in the morning

Ok, so maybe not ALL fishermen have ALL of these traits, but fishermen as a group have a lot in common. Most people probably don’t realize that there are some side benefits to a lifetime of fishing. Check out this list of things that fishermen have in common, and if you want to add to the list you can email us at [email protected].

  1. 4:00 AM doesn’t feel too early when you are going fishing.
  2. We are masters of time management, we need to be so we can make time in our lives to fish.
  3. We are really good at driving. Boats, trucks, backing up trailers, you name it we can drive it.
  4. We are also good at picking up on patterns, where the fish are and what they eat is all just behavioral patterns. Picking up the pattern is the key to good days on the water.
  5. Being organized is not an option, it’s a fact of life. At home, on the boat, in the truck, our tackle must be organized or we won’t be able to find what we need and we won’t be able to catch fish.
  6. There is a little piece of MacGyver in us. When something breaks we will try absolutely anything to fix it and salvage the day of fishing.
  7. We are really good at tying AND untying knots. A good knot keeps a fish on the line, and we get lots of practice untying tangles.
  8. We are foodies when it comes to fish. We know when fish in a restaurant isn’t that fresh and when it is overcooked.
  9. We are excellent cooks, it’s the best way to make sure nobody messes up our catch.
  10. Our passion runs deeper than fishing, we love being in the outdoors, the intrinsic value of nature, and enjoying our sport sustainably.


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Fin & Field is all about finding your next adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

Tight Lines & Happy Hunting!

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