Ditch Bag Essentials For Every Boater

Ditch Bag: A bag of essential items incase of an emergency while on the water, whether you have to leave the boat due to fire or sinking, or stuck on the boat, adrift at sea. The saying “hope for the best, prepare for the worst,” is very fitting when it comes to a ditch bag. The contents of your ditch bag can vary depending on where you are headed, but here are a few essentials that can be a life saver in time of need, no matter where you are. 1.Float Plan Alright, this isn’t something that you can physically stick in your bag, but is huge if you ever need to be rescued. “If the PLB fails or we are unable to activate it for some reason, my wife (or other trusted source) will know when to call for help and where to direct search and rescue. File a float plan,” said Jeff Weakley, Editor of Florida Sportsman. When cell phone service is non-existant, a PLB can notify authorities when in need. Having the proper supplies when removing a rusty hook, or treating a deep gash can be worth it’s weight in gold when access to medical attention is absent. Just about every VHF made nowadays is waterproof, floats, illuminates at night, and has a great battery life. While hours from my home waters, in an unfamiliar area, I had these tools to get my motor back up in running, and was able to get back to the boat ramp safely.
Just a few of the essentials that go with me every time I’m on the water.

Ditch Bag:

A bag of essential items incase of an emergency while on the water, whether you have to leave the boat due to fire or sinking, or stuck on the boat, adrift at sea. This should be on the boat at all times, and stored in a safe spot with easy access to it at all times. The saying “hope for the best, prepare for the worst,” is very fitting when it comes to a ditch bag. Let’s hope you never have to use it, but if so, it is there.

The bag or box itself should be at least water resistant, if not waterproof, and have enough positive buoyancy that when full, will still float. The contents of your ditch bag can vary depending on where you are headed, but here are a few essentials that can be a life saver in time of need, no matter where you are.

1.Float Plan

Alright, this isn’t something that you can physically stick in your bag, but is huge if you ever need to be rescued. Letting your spouse, family or other trusted source know where you will be heading, with whom, and when you are expected to be back. “If the PLB fails or we are unable to activate it for…

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