Top Three Reasons to Attend a Hunting & Fishing Show in 2016

If you’re like us the last month of the year is a busy one. On the personal front we’re squeezing in at least one more late season hunt, prepping for the fishing season and dreaming of the gear we hope to find under the Christmas tree. And, on the professional side we’re in full planning for all of the great things we’re looking to accomplish in the new year including visiting as many hunting and fishing shows around the country as we can.

We are very lucky that we get to attend hunting and fishing shows as part of our job and we know that for many hunters and anglers attending a show is a luxury. It’s a choice of how and where you choose to  spend your precious free time and money. So, since we love going to shows so much, we thought we’d give you our top three reasons to attend a hunting and fishing show in 2016.

#1 – Family Time

Shows are a great place to spend time with your family. During the winter months we all tend to hunker down, become a little less active and veg in front of the TV or video games. Rounding up the troops and packing off for a day of walking around a show looking at cool gear, letting the kids test their luck at the trout tank and learning new tricks at the seminars is a much better way to spend a Saturday and bond with the family.

#2 – Planning

Booking a destination hunt or fishing trip requires planning. Shows are a great place to meet outfitters and guides. When you’re looking to spend your hard earned dollars on a trip it’s important to make a decision with confidence. We believe in the value of doing your homework. Take time before a show to identify the guides you’re interested in talking to, find them on Fin & Field and check out the types of trips they offer. From there you can head to the show with a list you’d like to speak with personally and get to know them a little better.

#3 – FUN!

Shows are a lot of fun! Whether you’re in the market for a hunting or fishing trip, interested in the latest gear, looking for how-to seminars or simply just want something to do on a wintery weekend – shows are a ton of fun. The food is like being at a carnival or fair, the atmosphere is energized and the halls are filled with like-minded sportsmen ready to talk-shop with you.

Well, what are you waiting for? Start planning which shows you’ll be attending in 2016. There are a bunch to choose from and you can find them in our Hunting & Fishing Show directory on Fin & Field.

Let us know which ones you’ll be at – we’d love to catch up with you!


About Fin & Field

Fin & Field is all about finding your next great adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

Tight Lines & Happy Hunting!

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