Election Polls are Boring, These are WAY Better!

Generic bar chart graphic.

With election season in full swing you can’t go online without being bombarded by political polls. If some survey of random voters excites you, then this article isn’t for you. On the other hand, if you are sick and tired of voter trends, talking points, margins of error, and pundits then keep reading. We think you will agree that these recent polls of hunters and fishermen are considerably more interesting.

Q: Do you like to go ice fishing?
A: 50.6% Yes, 31.0% Would like to try, 18.4% No

Apparently, over 80% of sportsmen like to ice fish or are willing to give it a shot. 18% take a dont-freeze-to-death approach. If you are interested in ice fishing but have never been, here is an article you should read.

Q: Do you know which fish species has two world record holders?
A: 59.6% Largemouth Bass (correct), 15.8% Cutthroat Trout, 14.4% Summer Flounder, 10.3% Bonefish

One record was set in 1932 by George Perry in Georgia, the other was set in 2009 by Manabu Kurita in Japan. Both fish weighed 22 pounds 4 ounces.

Q: How often do you practice catch and release?
A: 50.8% Usually, 33.9% Always, 15.3% Rarely, 0.0% Never

WOW, 100% of anglers practice catch and release at least sometimes. 85% are doing mostly catch and release! This reinforces the fact, well known to anglers, that we are a group that is conservation minded and vested in insuring the sustainability of our fishery.


Q: Do you follow through on your New Year’s resolutions?
A: 52.2% Usually, 29.9% Rarely, 10.4% Never, 7.5% Always

60% of you usually or always stick to your resolutions. I bet we can do better in 2016! If my personal new years resolution is related to fishing or hunting I ALWAYS follow through. So #DreamBig2016 and make this the year you get out and have that adventure of a lifetime.

Q: How much time are you planning to spend outdoors this year compared to 2015?
A: 87.8% More, 2.0% Less, 9.2% Same, 1% Not Sure

97% of sportsmen plan to spend as much or more time outdoors this year than they did last year. Seems like we all realize what really matters in life. You can’t take it with you so make sure you work to live rather than live to work. Use Fin & Field to find your next adventure #FYNA.

Q: How many times a year do you travel out of your home town to hunt or fish?
A: 46.2% 9+, 25.8% Between 2-4,  17.2% Between 5-8, 10.9% Between 0-1

89% of sportsmen plan to take 2 or more hunting or fishing trips this year. 63% will take 5 or more! That is a lot of hunting and fishing travel, bravo to being passionate and active sportsmen

Q: Pick your favorite snack.
A: 54.4% Jerky, 23.5% Trail Mix, 13.2% Energy Bars, 4.4% Chips, 4.4% Other

Jerky, trail mix, and energy bars top the list of our favorite snacks. When you are hunting and fishing you need to stay fueled.

Q: How do you approach hunting and fishing photography?
A: 47.2% Every trip offers great moments for photography, 34% A cell phone is fine, 9.4% I bring a camera in case i get a trophy, 9.4% I never bring a camera

More than 90% of hunters and fishermen bring a camera on their adventures. Do you know how to take the best hunting and fishing photos? You can get some tips for photographing your next trophy here:

Take Better Fishing Photos

Step Up Your Hunting Photography Game

Q: How do you get the best local knowledge when fishing or hunting a new area?
A: 30.4% Local Shops, 26.1% Figure it out yourself, 26.1% Hire a guide, 17.4% Research online

Local brick and mortar shops still lead the pack for getting the scoop on fishing or hunting when you travel. And there is clearly no substitute for putting in the time to fortify your local knowledge. But, hiring a guide and doing some research online are gaining in popularity.



About Fin & Field

#FinandField #FYNA #DreamBig2016

Fin & Field is all about finding your next adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

Tight Lines & Happy Hunting!

Visit us at www.finandfield.com

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