Sportsman’s Slice of Holiday Spending

holiday spending

Being in the fishing and hunting industry, in some ways, is no different than any other industry. One thing that is important to understand is how holiday spending affects your customers. Americans spend more money in December than any other time of the year. That absolutely includes sportsmen. They are eagerly buying gear, apparel, and yes…even trips. Here are how some of the statistics break down:

General Statistics

-The average consumer plans to spend nearly $1,000 in December

-Half of December holiday spending is online

-73% of consumers say discounts are in important factor in their decisions

-58% of consumers will treat themselves to an unusually large purchase during the holidays

-Overall holiday spending this year is expected to top $650 billion

Sportsman Statistics

-The average angler spends over $1,200 a year on fishing

-Nearly 50 million people consider themselves anglers in the US

-Nearly 15 million people consider themselves hunters in the US

-Fishing is a $40 billion+ industry

-Hunting is a $20 billion+ industry

-Around 20% of fishing and hunting spending takes place in December

Fishing and hunting is a large industry, millions of sportsmen spending billions of dollars. And since a disproportionately high percentage of that money is spend in December, you need a strategy to capture some of that December spending. You can read our blog on using discounts and promotions to drive sales and you should also make sure to send an email out to your contacts in December discussing next seasons prospects and your availability. Contact Fin & Field if you want us to help you promote and December sales you are offering. Lastly, consider selling gift cards. Gift cards are great for the family and friends of sportsman who are always at a loss for what to give. If you aren’t set up to sell gift cards yet then Fin & Field can help. Send people to this link to buy gift cards that they can redeem on Fin & Field when booking a trip with you.


About Fin & Field

#FinandField #FYNA #DreamBig2016

Fin & Field is all about finding your next adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

Tight Lines & Happy Hunting!

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