Racknine Demonstrates the 7 Steps to a Killer Profile

The quality of your Fin & Field profile is very important. It is the first thing people will see when they find your business from a search page, we link to it when we promote you as part of your package, and it is where all of your potential bookings will originate. We recently had the pleasure of speaking with the folks at Racknine Outdoors about making the most of their Fin & Field Grow Package. We spent a large amount of the time discussing the best ways to improve their profile. Check out those tips and see how Racknine put them into practice.

Step 1: Take the Tour – The profile tour is the fastest way to get a high level look at each element of your profile.

fin and field profile tour button for operators

Step 2: Tags – Basic information like your business type, your hunting or fishing categories, and your species list will determine where you show up in search results. The key here is to keep it relevant and focus on your primary target species.

fin and field operator profile search tags by category and species

Step 3: Photos – Photos are the best way to show off your success as an operator. Make sure you feature your best photos as well as photos that help potential clients get a flavor for your adventures.

fin and field operator profile photo manager

Step 4: Employees – If you have employees make sure to add them to your profile. Seeing your entire team will instill confidence in potential customers. If you add employees make sure they include photos and text in their individual sportsman profile.

employee section on fin and field profile

Step 5: About – Describe your location and your trips, the overall experience, your philosophies about hunting and fishing, and anything else that makes your adventures unique and desirable for potential clients.

employee section on fin and field profile

Step 6: Adventures – Once you “hook” a sportsman with the first half of your profile they will need to browse your specific adventure offerings in order to make a booking request. Make sure to create a range of adventures so that there is something for everyone. Include a relevant photo, accurate name, a price or price range, and a short description. The more accurate you are the more confident a sportsman will be in booking a trip.

adventures on a fin and field profile page

Step 7: Reviews – Last, but maybe most important is reviews. Today, more than ever, consumers are focused on reviews. Buyers want to read reviews before making a decision, especially if they are on the fence. The good news is that they are also more willing than ever to leave reviews. Fin & Field makes it very easy to ask for reviews from anyone who has come out to hunt or fish with you before.

fin and field review process

We hope you found these tips helpful. Don’t hesitate to call us (866-327-4819) if you want more information about how to get the most out of your Fin & Field profile.


About Fin & Field

#FinandField #FYNA #DreamBig2016

Fin & Field is all about finding your next adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

Tight Lines & Happy Hunting!

Visit us at www.finandfield.com

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