6 Ways to be Found on Fin & Field

fin and field search homepage

Fin & Field markets your fishing and hunting adventures to sportsmen all over the US using social media, paid advertising, email marketing, strategic partnerships, event sponsorship, and more. With all that traffic to the Fin & Field website there are 6 key ways, discussed in detail below, that sportsmen can find your business. But no matter how you get found, your Fin & Field profile is the foundation of your presence on Fin & Field. All roads lead to your profile. So before we discuss how to get found we need to cover a few tips for how to optimize your profile.

Racknine reviews on Fin & Field

First, to rank higher in searches you can sign up for one of our operator packages. Second, make sure your profile is complete so sportsmen find everything they need when they visit your page. A complete profile has an accurate location, accurate species list, compelling photos, exciting “About” text, detailed adventures, and reviews. Reviews are particularly important for being found because they will also raise your search rankings. Contact us if you want help building out your profile page. Check out No Quarter Sportfishing and Racknine Outdoors for an example of a complete profile. Below are the 6 ways to get found and how to optimize each one.

Fin & Field Search

Fin & Field search

Sportsmen arrive to the Fin & Field website in a variety of ways, through google searches, social media links, our own blog, and our email campaigns to name a few. Once on the website, one of the main activities is to conduct an operator search. Your goal is to be relevant to the search every time you show up on a search result page. It is important to note that it is actually counter productive to show up more often than you should. Anytime you are not relevant to the search it damages your credibility in the eyes of the sportsman (ex. a fly fishing guide in Montana should not show up when a sportsman searches for a fishing charter boat in Florida). To optimize your account for search you should edit your profile and check that you have made correct selections for Operator Type, Species, Location, and Filters. If you need any help optimizing your profile for search don’t hesitate to get in touch.


No Quarter and Racknine Blog Posts

Another way that people will find your business is through our blog. The Fin & Field blog is very active with 2-3 new articles being published every week. Besides being read by traffic to the blog itself, blog post are shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well as in our weekly emails and on partner websites. You can be featured in a blog post by signing up for the Grow package but you can also submit your own blog posts to Fin & Field and be featured as a guest author. Guest authors can submit articles about their local hunting and fishing, tips and tricks, or anything else that will have general interest. Either way your business will be promoted and we will include links to your profile page. Contact us with any questions about signing up for a package or becoming a guest author. In the picture above you can see a couple of the blog posts featuring No Quarter and Racknine.

Destination Pages

fin & field destination pages

Destination pages are special landing pages that make it easier for Fin & Field to market specific locations, activities, species, or techniques (like fly fishing, bowfishing, and tournament fishing). Operators subscribed to the Promote and Grow packages are eligible to be included on relevant destination pages and even to suggest new destination pages. The Destination landing pages are promoted on social media, in paid advertising, through our partners, on the blog, and in our emails. Business listed on the Destination Pages have a great chance of being found by sportsmen.

Trophy Corner

Fin and Field Trophy Corner

The Trophy Corner is exactly what it sounds like. We built a page of the website just to list of trophy fishing and hunting photos. The photos are submitted by sportsmen and operators alike. In the case of sportsmen who fished with a Fin & Field operator or a photo submitted by the operator themselves we will link to the operator’s profile page. In the case of the No Quarter, we posted a photo of their recent Fantasy Slam and linked it to the No Quarter profile. Make sure you submit your trophy photos to be included on the Trophy Corner. Everyone loves browsing fishing and hunting photos and all of the photos (and the link to corresponding profiles) are shared out across our social media as well. Submitting photos to the trophy corner is another great way to get found on Fin & Field.

Social Media

no quarter and racknine social media post

Social media is one of the best amplifiers for all of our other marketing efforts. We share our blog posts, destination pages, trophy photos, and any giveaways or promotions that we are running on social media. To date we have grown our Facebook followers to over 100k. Across all of our social media channels we are being followed by roughly 150k sportsmen. In addition to using our blog, destination pages, and trophy corner to reach our social media audience you can also sign up for an operator package. All of our operator packages include dedicated social media posts, up to 12 per year for the Grow Package subscribers. Leveraging the Fin & Field social media channels directly, or through the blog, destination pages, and trophy corner is a great way to get found by sportsmen from all over the country.


Similar to social media, our email marketing is a great amplifier for our blog content, destination pages, and trophy corner. We send out a sportsman newsletter each week that is delivered to nearly 25,000 sportsmen. The newsletter contains recent blog posts, trophy corner photos, and a featured operator section. Thousands of sportsmen will see your business if you are included in those emails. We also run ad-hoc email campaigns that often feature specific operators or destinations.

There is no shortage of ways to be found on Fin & Field. Our audience is large, growing, and comprised of extremely engaged sportsmen. In summary, just like No Quarter Sportfishing and Racknine Outdoors, you can maximize how often you are found on Fin & Field by polishing your Fin & Field profile, being featured in blogs, submitting trophy photos, and signing up for the operator package that makes sense for you. Contact us today if you have any questions or to get started with an operator package.


About Fin & Field

#FinandField #FYNA #DreamBig2016

Fin & Field is all about finding your next adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

Tight Lines & Happy Hunting!

Visit us at www.finandfield.com

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