How to Plan and Book a Guided Hunting Trip

A guided big game hunting trip requires months of planning and preparation to pull off successfully.  You need to get your tags, license, guide, and gear together. At least a few of those things have strict deadlines. For example, in 2016, March 15th is the deadline to apply for Montana’s deer and elk permits. In Utah the deadline is March 3rd. If you are booking a guide you want to get on their schedule early as many fill up seasons in advance. You get the point, the time for planning is NOW. We put together this handy free e-book to help you with the task of planning and booking your hunting trips.

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Fin & Field is all about finding your next adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.

We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.

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