The Kimber Super Jagare 10mm Gun Test

But the 10mm Auto was a bit too much gun for the rank-and-file FBI personnel, and the agency soon backed away from this potent round. Price: $2,688 Contact: Kimber America Taming the Recoil The Super Jagare is a single-stack 1911 with an ambidextrous thumb safety and an oversize beavertail grip safety. It comes with a long, 6-inch ported barrel and a Leupold DeltaPoint Pro reflex sight affixed to the rear of the slide. Kimber rounded off the bottom of the grip, only partially checkered the pistol’s Micarta stocks, and machined a very mild checkering pattern into the front and back of the stainless-steel frame. The Leupold DeltaPoint is one of the best reflex sights on the market. Shooting offhand from a kneeling position, off shooting sticks and using various supports, I was able to consistently ring 8- and 10-inch steel plates—good proxies for a deer’s vitals—at distances from 50 to 100 yards. I shot five different loads during the evaluation—all of them using 180-grain bullets. The pistol shot all of them well, though the best accuracy came from the Federal JSP, which turned in an average 5-shot group size of 1.731 inches at 25 yards off sandbags, with the smallest group measuring 1.041 inches. And, like other reflex sights, it can be very quick too, though you need to do a lot of dry-fire practice to develop that speed. The trigger on the pistol was crisp, though a bit heavy at 5 pounds 3 ounces.

As with most semi-auto pistol cartridges, the 10mm Automatic was developed for gunfighting and personal protection rather than hunting or general recreational shooting. The FBI adopted the round in the wake of the infamous Miami shootout in 1986 that left two FBI agents dead and several others wounded. The inability of the eight agents in the gun battle to quickly stop two heavily armed criminals caused the FBI to reevaluate how they armed and trained their agents.

But the 10mm Auto was a bit too much gun for the rank-and-file FBI personnel, and the agency soon backed away from this potent round. However, the underlying criteria that the FBI wanted from the 10mm Auto—the ability to defeat tough barriers like clothing, automobile glass, sheet metal, and drywall, yet still penetrate deeply into a body with reliable bullet expansion—make the round attractive for hunting big game. Kimber’s Super Jagare is one of the newest 10mms built specifically for pursuing four-legged critters. It comes configured ready to take afield, and it has a number of smart design features that handgun hunters will appreciate.

Caliber 10mm Auto
Capacity: 8+1
Weight: 2 lb. 11 oz.
Trigger Pull: 5lb. 3 oz.
Accuracy: 2.112 in.
Smallest Group: 1.041 in.
Barrel Length: 6 in.
Overall Length: 9 7/8 in.
Price: $2,688
Contact: Kimber America

Taming the Recoil

The Super Jagare is a single-stack 1911 with an ambidextrous thumb safety and an oversize beavertail grip safety. It comes with a long, 6-inch ported barrel and a Leupold DeltaPoint Pro reflex sight affixed to the rear of the slide. Six-inch barrels are pretty standard on hunting semi-auto pistols. They generate a bit more bullet velocity and help reduce felt recoil and muzzle flip. The porting on the Super Jagare does even more to tame the 10mm’s recoil, though at the cost of additional muzzle blast and noise.

Kimber Super Jagare Hand Gun Grip

Kimber rounded off the bottom of the grip, only partially checkered the pistol’s Micarta stocks, and machined a very mild checkering pattern into the front and back of the stainless-steel frame. These touches keep the gun from chewing up your hand under recoil as well. Overall, the Super Jagare is pleasant to shoot and not difficult to control.

The Leupold DeltaPoint is one of the best reflex sights on the market. The aiming point is large (it subtends 7.5 MOA) and easy to see. The lens, generally a weak point…

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