The Wild Hog Scourge

If you’re from Texas you will understand this more than most. Talk about an invasion, but not one coming across the borders. And we thought rabbits had that corner of the market. Bunnies are not even a close second. Their hunger is so vast in some areas that research is now suggesting that the hogs are destroying critical habitat resources essential to the white-tailed deer. While hunting is one method of knocking back the numbers in some areas in limited numbers, it cannot keep up with the expansion. Even in areas where trapping is widely used, it is still not reducing numbers by any significance. There are many firearms of great utility against a wild pig. It seems consensus among many applied hog hunters is that at least a good 100 grain hunting bullet with maximum penetration performance is of minimal choice. The 150 grain bullets ought to work havoc on a pig with the bullet sent to the right spot.

If you’re from Texas you will understand this more than most. Wild hogs are taking over this country. Talk about an invasion, but not one coming across the borders. These ever breeding Sounders of wild pigs are prolific at multiplying if not just plain ole perfectionists at reproduction. And we thought rabbits had that corner of the market. Bunnies are not even a close second.

One can hardly pick up a hunting or wildlife management report without hearing the scathing details of how the wild pigs are increasing in numbers and eating their way through vital wildlife habitats. Their hunger is so vast in some areas that research is now suggesting that the hogs are destroying critical habitat resources essential to the white-tailed deer. Now, that fact alone is starting to get people’s attention.

Wild hogs are hard to control. While hunting is one method of knocking back the numbers in some areas in limited numbers, it cannot keep up with the expansion….

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