It’s no secret as bowhunters we love our gear. Turkey hunting, regardless of with a gun or bow, usually requires more tools than many other forms of hunting. Staying organized and having a pocket for everything that you can access quickly on the fly is important.

There are countless styles and variations of well-made vests on the market. One that I have been very impressed with this year is the Tenzing TZ TV14. The pocket configuration is a key part for me as well as a comfortable seat.

You get the best of both worlds when it comes to the seat with magnets so it can be flipped up and stay out of the way quickly when you have to reposition or move quickly, but it also has buckle attachments where if you are crawling through brush or walking in or out of the hunting area, you don’t have to worry about it slapping the back of your legs and making noise. The backpack style shoulder straps help keep it lightweight and comfortable.
Mouth Calls
Having a good selection of mouth calls with different tones and reed options is crucial, especially when you are dealing with call shy or henned-up gobblers. I like to keep mine on a call bag lanyard that tucks into a chest pocket for easy access and quick storage.
Pot Calls, Strikers and Sandpaper
Two to three different friction calls with various sounds can be the difference between putting one in the fryer and going home empty handed. The versatility of calling techniques and volume control you can have with these calls is so important to sounding like a realistic hen and pull those long beards into range.
Having a thick swatch of sandpaper to be able to re-rough the surface of your friction calls can make all the difference when on a long hunt to keep your calls sounding pure and effective.
Limb Snips
A good pair of limb snips are vital when it comes to bowhunting turkeys. It’s one thing when you have a little light brush or grass in your way when you have…