The Many Uses of a Trail Camera

Here on the farm I use a trail camera to get an idea of the wildlife moving around the property. I usually keep one trail camera around the chicken yard, and another one in the woods overlooking a deer feeder. For those of you not familiar with a trail camera, also called a wildlife camera, it is a battery powered, motion activated camera in a water proof housing. They are attached to the side of a tree with string or cord. When something walks in front of the camera, the motion sensor tells the camera to take a picture. What are trail cameras used for? I have pictures of an opossum going into the chicken house. When I see pest around the chicken house, I know I need to set some traps out. She is released unharmed, but usually rather upset. Examples: Moultrie Primos
Coyote on trail camera

Here on the farm I use a trail camera to get an idea of the wildlife moving around the property. I usually keep one trail camera around the chicken yard, and another one in the woods overlooking a deer feeder.

For those of you not familiar with a trail camera, also called a wildlife camera, it is a battery powered, motion activated camera in a water proof housing. They are attached to the side of a tree with string or cord. When something walks in front of the camera, the motion sensor tells the camera to take a picture.

What are trail cameras used for?

Deer Management

Trail cameras are excellent for getting an estimate of the local deer population. Set up a wildlife feeder, or put out some corn. Place the trail camera over the bait and…

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