We have all heard that old saying, You don’t want to see how the sausage is made. I disagree with that. I think we should all know how sausage is made, and we should all try making it ourselves at least once.
Making sausages with your wild game can be a great way to enjoy the meat you bring home. It’s also a great way to share wild game with friends and family who might not be familiar with it, or reluctant to try it.
Making fresh sausage at home may seem overwhelming, but truly: once you have the equipment and a little know-how, it goes very quickly. Best of all, it can be done with any kind of wild game you have handy.
The first thing you will need is a meat grinder. This can range from a cheap hand-crank grinder to a fancy multi-horse-powered grinder. You can pick up a very good quality grinder that will meet your needs for around $80. If you have a Kitchen-Aid stand mixer, you can buy a grinder attachment for it that works very well.
If you want to make cased sausages, you will need a sausage stuffer. You can find these at most hardware stores or online for 75 dollars. You don’t have to make links however if you just want to make bulk sausage you can do that as well and then freeze your sausage in one-pound bags for later use.
There is only one rule I go by when making sausage: keep it cold. The colder the meat is, the better your final product. During any down time in…