AUSTIN TX – A Girl & A Gun (AG & AG) announces that 14-year-old Jenna Jones, an AG & AG Youth Member from Comfort, TX, is the recipient of scholarship from AG & AG to be a 2A Heritage camper. Jenna earned High Junior at 3-Gun University on March 19, at the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park.

The 2017 2A Heritage Junior Camps will take place this summer in Forest Lake, MN, and Topton, PA. Only 25 campers will be accepted into each event. Classes will take place on the first two days, followed by a match-style shοot on the last day. Juniors will receive instruction on pistoI, rifIe, shotgυn (basic), long-range rifIe, shotgυn on the move/slugs/buckshot, advanced pistol skills, and transitions and stage planning.
AG & AG has welcomed thousands of women into the shooting community, so…