How to Hunt Pressured Public Land Turkeys

Trying to chase down a longbeard with a PhD in hunter behavior can be a difficult task when hunting public land. Some hunters, including the author, specialize in public-land turkeys and welcome the challenge. (Travis Faulkner photo)
Trying to chase down a longbeard with a PhD in hunter behavior can be a difficult task when hunting public land. Some hunters, including the author, specialize in public-land turkeys and welcome the challenge. (Travis Faulkner photo)

It’s too bad most of us don’t have unlimited access to large tracts of managed private land with minimal outside hunting pressure. Here in the real world, we’ve got to make things happen on high-pressured tracts of public land where longbeards have earned Masters’ Degrees in survival and turkey call judging.

These super sensitive jokers know exactly how to play the game, and they can be extremely difficult to tag on any given day. The good news is there are several proven strategies you can use to beat hunting pressure and bust more gobblers season after season. When the woods are crowded and you find yourself facing tough hunting conditions, follow these seven strategies to increase your odds to encounter longbeards in your neck of the woods.

1. Go Off the Radar: One of the quickest ways to beat outside hunting pressure is to focus your attention on isolated locations with limited access. This means you have to sometimes go the extra mile and target areas other hunters typically never reach. With this tactic, you’ve got to be willing to cross deep creeks, climb steep hills and go around or through heavy cover to put some distance between you and the competition. Stay away from conveniently located pull-offs and heavily traveled roads. Look for alternate routes to access protected sanctuaries on the backside or opposite ends of heavily hunted locations.

2. Welcome Bad Weather: A little rain and some wind is usually all it takes to clear the woods. This can create a major window of opportunity for those who are willing to embrace adverse weather conditions. If it’s raining, simply throw on some waterproof gear and target open locations with high-visibility. Fields, logging decks, clean ridges and creek bottoms are key areas where turkeys will…

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