Pictured above: John Austin of Middlesex with a beautiful largemouth bass he caught and released while fishing recently on Lake Champlain.
Spring months mean scores of quality bass across the state.
Vermont’s celebrated catch-and-release bass fishing season is underway with some of the hottest bass fishing action in the Green Mountain State happening right now.
“The spring catch-and-release season is a really special time to be on the water in Vermont, and the fishing can be truly spectacular,” said avid bass angler Chris Adams, information specialist with Vermont Fish & Wildlife. “Combine warming weather, minimal boat traffic and feeding largemouth and smallmouth bass, and spring bass fishing is hard to beat.”

Vermont’s catch-and-release bass season runs primarily from the second Saturday in April to the Friday before the second Saturday in June, when Vermont’s traditional bass season opens.
However, catch-and-release, open-water bass fishing is also permitted year-round on waters that are not listed by the Department as seasonally closed. A full listing of waters and applicable regulations can be found…