New Fall Season for Gag Grouper

Great News for Gag Grouper Fans. 4-County Northwest Florida region season opens The Gulf of Gulf of Mexico gag grouper recreational season in state waters off Franklin, Wakulla, Jefferson and Taylor counties will be open for harvest Sept. 1 through Dec. 31. This new fall season was approved at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) July meeting and is in addition to the April 1 through June 30 season that already takes place off these four counties. “Gag grouper management off the state of Florida is a prime example of how regional management can successfully provide fishing opportunities while continuing to promote conservation,” said Jessica McCawley, of FWC. The season for all other Gulf state and federal waters is June 1 through Dec. 31. The minimum size limit for gag grouper is 24 inches total length. Daily bag limit is two fish per harvester within the four fish aggregate bag limit. Charter captains and crew have a zero bag limit.

4-County Northwest Florida region season opens

The Gulf of Mexico gag grouper recreational season in state waters off Franklin, Wakulla, Jefferson and Taylor counties will be open for harvest Sept. 1 through Dec. 31.

This new fall season was approved at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s…

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