Local Luremaker: Al Tremblay – Fatty Glidebait Lures

The past few years, it seems like glidebaits have been the hot bait with striper fishermen. In truth, we’ve only just found out what muskie and pike fishermen have known for decades—the erratic, realistic action of a good glidebait triggers vicious hits from predatory gamefish.

While a small, but growing, number of plug builders are making striper-specific glidebaits, Al Tremblay of Hartford, Connecticut started building his more than six years ago. “I made my first Fatty glider just before a fishing trip, and on that trip the Fatty was the top producer. Over the years, the Fatty has been so productive, that more and more people have wanted them. Eventually it turned into a business.”

Part of the effectiveness of the Fatty glider is its close resemblance—both in shape and action—to one of the striper’s favorite foods, the bunker. It doesn’t hurt that Tremblay offers the lures in ultra-realistic baitfish patterns,…

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