DOWNEAST SALMON FEDERATION – April Newsletter. Smolt Captures To Date (as of 5/2/17) 24 hatchery origin smolts – These are smolts that came from the Peter Gray Hatchery. Our first hatchery origin smolt was captured after the first night of smolt trap operation (4/19/17). These are encouraging smolt numbers for the Parr Project, especially considering it is the beginning of the trapping season. If you would like to read more about the smolt trapping operation or keep up with daily trap counts please visit the smolt trapping page of our website. This expansion will provide more space for the Parr Project to continue to thrive. Regards, Zach Sheller Downeast Salmon Federation Hatchery Manager If you’d like to read more on the Parr Project’s beginnings and future please read our Parr Project Booklet. If you believe in the importance of restoring Atlantic salmon to our U.S. rivers, then please consider making a gift to the Parr Project for 2017. We will be continuing our work to restore salmon to downeast Maine and would appreciate your help! Leave a Legacy by Making a Planned Gift to DSF A planned gift to Downeast Salmon Federation is a wonderful way to contribute to the health of our rivers and fisheries for future generations while also meeting your financial goals.

(from the Downeast Salmon Federation newsletter) To sign up for DSF’s email newsletter CLICK HERE.

Peter Gray Hatchery Report
April 2017

Hello again my fellow friends of salmon and theParr Project. April is a busy time in the salmon world – although come to think of it, there aren’t many months that aren’t busy in the world of raising salmon. Alevin are developing while buried in river gravel, the last of the ice packs leave our lakes and ponds, and the smolt start to migrate out of the rivers and into the ocean. As I write this report the temperatures on our rivers hover around 10 degrees Celsius, which is the temperature range that cues smolts to migrate and alevin to emerge from their redds, or in the case of our hatcheries – their incubation boxes. Typically our salmon will emerge from their boxes in early to mid-May. We currently have around 350,000 Atlantic salmon at the Peter Gray Hatchery and 62,000 salmon at our Pleasant River Hatchery.

The 2017 smolt trapping season officially began on April 18th when we deployed our two 8 foot rotary screw traps. Smolts are salmon that have spent a couple years in the river and now are making the transition to live and grow in the open ocean. The traps have a cone that is lowered into the water column, causing the cone to spin. Fish enter the wide part of the cone and are funneled down the cone and into the live car.

These traps are tended every morning and the species and numbers of fish are recorded. Any salmon smolts that are captured have their lengths, weights, genetic tissue, and scales taken. This data allows DSF staff and DMR scientists to assess the health, age, and population size of the Atlantic salmon smolts leaving the East Machias River. Stay tuned for more updates on the East Machias River smolt population!

Smolt Captures To Date (as of 5/2/17)
  • 24…
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