KastKing goes green with fishing line spools

KastKing does away with plastic fishing line spools. KastKing Creates New Environmentally Friendly Product Packaging to Reduce Landfill Bulk KastKing does away with plastic fishing line spools and presses on with an innovative biodegradable renewable resource replacement. KastKing® BioSpools are made with wheat straw waste products and will replace traditional hard plastic spools. BioSpool will deteriorate in soil in eight to twelve months. “Even more so, the number of hard plastic spools the industry as a whole produces annually. “Wheat straw is what remains after wheat grain is harvested. “Wheat straw is a far better option than cardboard, which relies on harvesting forests. In some countries farmers burn wheat stalks after harvest, which contributes to air pollution. “We’ve been paperless since we started. BioSpool is another small, but important step.

KastKing Creates New Environmentally Friendly

Product Packaging to Reduce Landfill Bulk

KastKing does away with plastic fishing line spools and presses on with an innovative biodegradable renewable resource replacement.

KastKing®, headquartered in Garden City, NY, is excited to announce they have produced a BioSpool made from bio-based wheat waste for their fishing line products.

KastKing®, a fishing tackle manufacturer that produces fishing line in addition to fishing reels and fishing rods, has raised the bar for corporate environmental responsibility in the fishing tackle industry. KastKing® fishing line BioSpools will break down in a landfill decreasing landfill bulk.

KastKing® BioSpools are made with wheat straw waste products and will replace traditional hard plastic spools. KastKing® BioSpools are biodegradable and compostable. BioSpool will deteriorate in soil in eight to twelve months.

“As an angler, at any one time I may have ten to fifteen empty fishing line spools to dispose of. I thought about…

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