5 Tips for Group Trail Communication

Being in the outdoors with others pushes us. Not only do we face physical and mental challenges from long days on the trail, but there can be interpersonal challenges, too. Dealing with a bossy partner, struggling spouse or tense group interaction is that much more challenging in the wilderness.

But if you take some simple steps, you can also set yourself and your group up for success. If you’re heading out on a trip, here are some tips for establishing the right tone in order to have a great time and make everyone feel like equal partners in the adventure.

1. Set a collaborative tone from the beginning.

If you’re in a large group—or even with a single partner—take two minutes before you start your journey to touch base. Review your travel plan for the day, how often you will take breaks, and how you will manage pacing and speed. Discussing and agreeing on your plan as a group puts everyone on equal footing—and helps make sure each person has a voice in big decisions from the very beginning.

2. Trade off taking lead.

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