5 Survival Items You Can’t Pack Enough Of

5 Items Every Survivalist Can’t Pack Enough Of. Despite my best planning, I ran out of 550 cord on a recent camping trip. Just make sure you carry enough. The average pack contains 25 to 30 matches. If conditions are damp and windy, it may take several matches to get a fire lit, leaving you with the capability to only light a few fires per pack. Matches are so small and light, there’s no reason to limit your stock on the trail. Food is the fuel that keeps your engine running. Carrying extra food is a like an insurance policy against going hungry. I’ve run out of cord, and you probably have too. At least a hundred feet of 550 cord should be included in your gear, though that’s barely enough for a bear bag line and a few lines for your rain fly.

“It’s better to have it and not need it – than to need it and not have it.” We’ve all probably heard some version of this prepper mantra in recent years. Sure, these are wise words, but do we really take the message to heart? Are each of us carrying enough supplies in our backpacks and survival kits?

Despite my best planning, I ran out of 550 cord on a recent camping trip. I had just enough to do what I needed to do, but there wasn’t a single thread left over. This reminded me that there are some items we just can’t over-pack. Don’t get caught without enough of these five critical items.

one-match fire
You can even split matches, in a pinch.

1. Matches

An oldie but a goodie, matches are a classic fire starting method. They’re also handy for lighting lanterns, stoves, candles, and the occasional cigar. I’m a big proponent of carrying multiple fire starting methods in the outdoors (at least three methods), and matches can certainly be one of those three. Just make sure you carry enough. The average pack contains 25 to 30 matches. If conditions are damp and windy, it may take several matches to get a fire lit, leaving you with the capability…

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