Weatherby Firearms Moving to Wyoming

Many, many years ago worldwide hunter and adventurer Gary Starkey was a huge fan of Weatherby rifles. At the time it was the only rifle he would own and use. He loved to brag that these rifles were manufactured in California. Weatherby icon, Roy Weatherby was a celebrity in the firearms industry. They are going to Wyoming. Wyoming is not only a beautiful state, but it welcomes new industry with open arms including firearms manufacturers like Weatherby. Both the landscape and the business climate alike are highly suitable features to locate a new business. Weatherby intends to have its headquarters and full manufacturing capacity moved and operating in Sheridan by 2019. Sheridan’s economic development authority will build a 100,000 square foot building and lease it to Weatherby in the Sheridan High-Tech Business Park. Only now, the rifles will be shipped from Wyoming.

Many, many years ago worldwide hunter and adventurer Gary Starkey was a huge fan of Weatherby rifles. At the time it was the only rifle he would own and use. He collected several and took many game animals with these rifles on several continents. His were the most deluxe, high grade factory cataloged Mark V Weatherby’s available at the time.

Starkey’s favorite Weatherby calibers included the 7mm, .300, .340, and .416. He loved to brag that these rifles were manufactured in California. In those days, California was cutting edge, the “hip” state, the place to be from or going to. Weatherby icon, Roy Weatherby was a celebrity in the firearms industry.

Weatherby, Inc. still makes first class rifles for first class hunting trips. Only their California welcome has outlived the politics in a state that is not only broke, but one that wants to secede from the Union. Its sanctuary environment has ruined the business climate for a lot of companies. Weatherby joins many…

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