Warm Up with This Spicy Venison and Hominy Soup

The versatility of venison only adds to your enjoyment. It’s tough to beat a bowl of hot, hearty venison soup after a day in the woods hunting or a long day working. With a hearty dash of seasonings that mesh well, this is a great meal to prepare hours ahead and then let slow-cook or simmer until it’s time to eat. Give this Spicy Venison and Hominy Soup, which is courtesy of the good folks at the Ohio DNR, a try this week. Using the same pan, heat oil and sauté onions and peppers for 3- five minutes. Add garlic and allow to cook 1 minute. Add chicken broth, hominy, tomatoes and venison back to the pan. +++++ Get More Great Recipes For Your Venison! If you’re looking for more great venison recipes, be sure to check out Wild Game: Food for Your Family by Stacy Harris. Get your copy today and order some for Christmas gifts, too!
spicy venison hominy soup

Soup is one of the easiest things to prepare and enjoy, a reminder of our forefathers who often had a pot of something bubbling by the fireplace. The versatility of venison only adds to your enjoyment.

It’s tough to beat a bowl of hot, hearty venison soup after a day in the woods hunting or a long day working.

Ground venison is called for in this easy-to-make recipe that will stick to your ribs. With a hearty dash of seasonings that mesh well, this is a great meal to prepare hours ahead and then let slow-cook or simmer until it’s time to eat. Better yet, as often is the case, it may be even better a day later after everything has had more time to get happy.

Hominy is filling, and venison is always delicious. Give this Spicy Venison and Hominy Soup, which is courtesy of the good folks at the Ohio…

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