How to Make a Shotgun Shell Lighted Wreath

When she was a little girl, we always made crafty things at Christmas. Often, her brothers would participate. The list included homemade bread dough ornaments, stitchery projects, flax bags and of course, kitchen creations – buckets and Tupperware containers full of cookies and candies for all to enjoy. Except, I wanted it to have some greenery in it. It was a fun project, and took us about 2 hours total. Materials: Three-foot wide, fake green wreath with lights (K-Mart, on sale for $34) Strand of 100 clear lights ($4) Shotgun shells in assorted sizes and colors (free from local range) Glue gun and sticks Bow ($4) One bottle Chardonnay (for the wreath makers) Directions: Lay out a proper staging area for your wreath making. We used the basement floor and spread old dog food bags down to catch the drippy glue. Open the bottle of wine. Start at opposite ends of the light strand and put a touch of glue on the plastic part, not the light bulb. Celebrate and enjoy the festive wreath made from recycled shot shells.

In this retro-WON piece, Babbs walks you through how to make a shotgun-shell, lighted wreath.

Throughout her lifetime, my daughter and I have spent time making things. When she was a little girl, we always made crafty things at Christmas. Often, her brothers would participate. The list included homemade bread dough ornaments, stitchery projects, flax bags and of course, kitchen creations – buckets and Tupperware containers full of cookies and candies for all to enjoy.

So this year, since she’s moved back to live near us, we decided to make a wreath similar to a shotgun shell wreath that Natalie, at Girls Guide to Guns, featured recently. Except, I wanted it to have some greenery in it.

It was a fun project, and took us about 2 hours total.

shotgun shells


  • Three-foot wide, fake green wreath with lights (K-Mart, on sale for $34)
  • Strand of 100 clear lights ($4)
  • Shotgun shells in assorted sizes and colors (free from local range)
  • Glue gun and sticks
  • Bow ($4)
  • One bottle Chardonnay (for the wreath makers)

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