Utah Backpedals on Move to Take Control of Public Lands

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah -(Ammoland.com)- In the wake of rapidly escalating opposition by sportsmen and other citizens to attempts to sell, transfer or seize the public estate, Utah legislators have backpedaled on a lawsuit that would have claimed ownership of public lands and waters that lie within the state’s borders. The Utah legislature’s Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands voted in December to draft a complaint that would contest continued public ownership of public lands and waters, which constitute approximately two thirds of the state. The nature of the suit – and its cost, estimated at $14 million – was roundly criticized by sportsmen groups, including Backcountry Hunters & Anglers. “We as outdoorsmen need to recognize that short-sighted politicians have sought to sell off our land since Roosevelt was in office,” continued McCoy, who lives in Holden. “This victory – while important – is just a small battle in an ongoing war.” The state of Utah continues to find itself the centerpoint of public lands controversies. On social media, Chaffetz, dressed in camo, cited the reaction of groups he supports in driving his decision. BHA remains committed to opposing the sale and transfer of public lands. “American sportsmen have made our position clear,” said BHA President and CEO Land Tawney. “We absolutely oppose any efforts to sell, steal or otherwise take from us our public lands and waters. Learn more about BHA: http://www.backcountryhunters.org/
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah -(Ammoland.com)- In the wake of rapidly escalating opposition by sportsmen and other citizens to attempts to sell, transfer or seize the public estate, Utah legislators have backpedaled on a lawsuit that would have claimed ownership of public lands and waters that lie within the state’s borders.

The Utah legislature’s Commission for the Stewardship of Public Lands voted in December to draft a complaint that would contest continued public ownership of public lands and waters, which constitute approximately two thirds of the state.

The nature of the suit – and its cost, estimated at $14 million – was roundly criticized by sportsmen groups, including Backcountry Hunters & Anglers.

BHA’s Utah chapter today responded to the announcement by Utah House Resources Committee Keven Stratton, sponsor of House Concurrent Resolution 1, one of several measures being considered by the Utah state legislature that focus on seizing control or ownership of American public lands.

“Western sportsmen and women, Utahans in particular, should breathe a sigh of relief after learning that our legislature has decided to back away from this unpopular and fiscally irresponsible land…

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