Red Dots on Shotguns

aimpoint s-1
The Aimpoint S-1 mounted on a Browning BPS.

Having grudgingly admitted that cheap red dots can kill turkeys, I turn my attention to a decidedly non-cheap red dot, and one that is, as far as I know, unique among dot sights.

Aimpoint’s new S-1 Micro mounts directly onto the rib of a shotgun, making it possible to put red dots onto guns that previously couldn’t wear red dots, like the Browning BPS in this picture. What’s more, the Aimpoint people spent a lot of time and engineering to shave as much thickness as possible off the bottom of the sight. The low profile design minimizes one of the biggest drawbacks of red dots for shotguns: they stand up high, often too high for comfortable use with a shotgun stock. In contrast, the S-1, once mounted on a shotgun rib, sits as close to the bore as a red dot can. Mount the gun normally (well,…

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