Popularity of Hunting Videos Continues to Rise

Videoing hunts continues to grow in popularity thanks to better technology, more outlets and interest from hunters.

With the rise in outdoor television programming; technological advancements that make videoing events easier and easy access to online outlets such as YouTube, videoing hunts continues to grow in popularity among everyday hunters.

In fact, according to a recent survey conducted through Southwick Associates’ HunterSurvey.com, there has been a 68 percent increase over the last five years of those hunters who video some or all of their hunts.

Of those hunters who video their hunts:
— 31 percent said they have been doing so for five or more years,
— 21 percent have done so for three to four years,
— 26 percent have done so for just one to two years
— 21 percent just began videoing their hunts during the last year.

How avid are these new-age, high-tech hunters?

Thirty percent report videoing…

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