Keep More Deer on Your Land With These Plants

Planting fruit trees, such as apples, pears and plums, can provide hunters with a deer magnet for early season hunting.

When summer is drawing to a close and deer hunting is just on the horizon, velvet-antlered bucks cruise large agricultural fields and discs slice the ground as new fall food plots are sewn. Even the oaks begin to sag from the weight of acorns. The food sources that exist during the opening few weeks of deer season can be plentiful.

But one of the best is often the most overlooked or underutilized by deer hunters. Fruit trees can be an incredible source of attraction during the early season. And unlike crops or most food plots, they produce year after year, with little intervention and maintenance.

Far too often when people think of fruit trees they think of harvesting the fruit for human consumption. But there are many planted and “wild” fruit trees that produce irresistible deer food during late summer to early fall. So what are the best fruit trees to look for or establish when your focus is deer hunting?

Deer feed on native browse such as acorns and persimmons where they can find them, and often hit them hard once the high-carb mast begins falling in autumn.

Before we get into which fruit trees are best to plant for deer,…

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