Harvesting the Best Fire Starter Materials

Improvised Fire Starter Materials. Collecting easy to burn starter materials can be useful for both bug in or bug out scenarios. You may have a fireplace at home or a brick or metal fire burning pit in the backyard or at your designated bug out site. Light paper materials you choose to recycle can be gleaned for fire starters. This includes newspapers, paper towels, and items like cereal boxes and such. Save paper towel or toilet paper tubes, food packaging, junk mail, and other easy to burn items. I use empty dog food and charcoal bags to stuff with burning materials. When you buy or get a magazine in the mail, rip out those thin paper renewal subscription cards and along with all kinds of junk mail, stuff it all in dog food bags. All kinds of paper comes in the mail every day. If you start collecting fire starter materials now, when you need to light a quick burn, you will be well stocked with materials to begin a good fire.

As you continue to work on formulating prepping plans, think ahead about collecting materials that will help you start a fire easier and quicker. Of course, there are all kinds of Firestarter sticks, rods, matches and butane lighters to provide the spark or flame to ignite a fire, but what will you have to burn?

Collecting easy to burn starter materials can be useful for both bug in or bug out scenarios. You may have a fireplace at home or a brick or metal fire burning pit in the backyard or at your designated bug out site. What you need is easily available highly combustible papers and other materials to fire quickly.

Start by looking in your recycle bins. Light paper materials you choose to recycle can be gleaned for fire starters. This includes newspapers, paper towels, and items like cereal boxes and such. Collapse these materials and stack them up. Stay away from plastics as…

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