Are you ready to catch some bass this fall?
Can you junk fish? Not fishing junk but just use a different techniques for each different spot or cover. Below are some great options for the different scenarios you’ll encounter this fall.
As the scorching summer waters cooled the bass are moving from deep to shallow water in search of baitfish. While many early fall strategies may continue to work, catching quality fish may require slight tactical alterations.
We all recognize when late fall changes begin to occur. Leaves begin to change colors, a chilly breeze blows through the trees and the days gradually begin to shorten. As anglers, we must adapt to the changes happening in our environment. In the same way, bass are also transitioning to their own aquatic surroundings.
Choosing the right lures in during fall can make the difference between an incredible or mediocre day of fishing. Here are some of our lure suggestions to help catch more fish in late fall:

Lipless Crankbait:
In fall bass are hungry and ready to fill up on their favorite baitfish in preparation of the long winter. Because bass become increasingly aggressive, our favorite imitation bait is a tight wobbling, loud rattling, lipless crankbait. You can also utilize the lipless crank as a search bait when on the prowl for schools of active bass
Tip: Toss your lipless crank into submerged…