The Billfish Foundation Embraces Technology

The Billfish Foundation (TBF) has been around since 1986 when it was founded to promote conservation of billfish species worldwide. TBF to this day is focused on research and education and is now embracing technology more than ever to achieve its mission. Two recent programs are great examples of how technology is making more data available to TBF than ever before.

the billfish foundation satellite tag

The first program is the satellite tagging expedition that took place in the Gulf of Mexico. The expedition is focused on studying blue marlin in the gulf and was run out of Port Eads, 84.5 miles south of New Orleans. 11 tags were deployed and are recording the location, depth, and ambient temperature and light levels. A large group of boats participated and TBF is eager to come back to the area to satellite tag more blue marlin in 2017. You can read more about the program on the The Billfish Foundation website.

the billfish foundation new mobile app

The second technology initiative recently launched by TBF is a mobile application. Since 1990 the fishing community has reported 220,000 tag and release records to TBF. Traditionally these records were submitted through the post, and more recently through an online process that has greatly increased the records being submitted. Since online activity is moving more and more to mobile devices, The Billfish Foundation has gone mobile. Their new mobile app is available here, and you can use it to quickly report tagged fish and released fish. Read more about the app here.



Editorial Contributor – Lewie Aldridge

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