It is at the request of legendary fly fisherman Lefty Krek, that we share this note. We at Gray’s Sporting Journal wish Lefty a fond farewell from his place in the spotlight and into his retirement. His presence will be surely missed at and around the conventions and saltwater flats he used to command so well. Best of luck, Mr. Kreh.
an edited note from Lefty Kreh:
To my friends,
I was 92 in January and had a carotid artery operation. During testing the hospital determined my heart was only pumping 35% and must limit my physical activities followed by a rest. The industry was extremely helpful, and last season I was able to attend the shows, clinics, etc.
Several weeks ago, I realized I was developing another problem, which is normal for someone nearly 93. It turns out I have congested heart failure. My pacemaker revealed there was a series of very rapid hear beats, which could cause a stroke. Fortunately, a lot of doctor/friends are fly-fisherman and worked with me. In summary, I have to give up travel and presentations as in the past.