Ten Thousand Islands Fishing and Weather Forecast

Naples to Flamingo
Includes Naples, Marco Island, Everglades City and Chokoloskee

May 19-21

Weather & Tides

Depending on where you are fishing throughout our vast region, you should experience a high falling tide in the morning hours, giving way to a dead low tide just after lunchtime to mid-afternoon, so take advantage of what is typically a great tide to fish. Weather is certainly of the summer variety now, as mid-day air temperatures will peak in the low 90’s, the humidity is building and the threat of afternoon showers and storms are now a daily occurrence.


Tarpon and Permit continue to steal the show as is typical at this time of year. When the winds cooperate, venture offshore between 6-15 miles to target the permit on nearshore wrecks. Concentrate of those wrecks that have higher relief to them as the permit love that type of structure. Live crabs are the number one choice when targeting the permit, so be sure to stock up when you can find them at your local tackle shops. Also, keep an eye out for floating crabs when fishing, as the tides will sweep them out to open water.

The tarpon are still biting well as multiple hookups…

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