Marlin Ranger Model 90

Greatest Guns: Marlin Ranger Model 90. This week, sadly, we say goodbye to Gunfight Friday after a four-year run. I appreciate all the gun photos people sent in over all that time, but the truth is, Gunfight Friday required 104 guns a year, and I used up good pictures faster than I got them. It was a place to feature reader guns, and I learned a lot from the comments by the very knowledgeable group who read GFF. In its place, we’re starting a new series—“Greatest Guns.” We’ll be running pictures from a variety of sources, including, I hope, F&S readers. We’re kicking the series off with a great old shotgun submitted by Martin, who sent in these pictures with a brief note: “I have a Marlin Ranger Model 90 103-11 16-gauge O/U that looks like it almost just came out of the box. The Marlin Model 90 was made from 1937 to 1958. But garden-variety Model 90s are out there. Some 33,000 were made, and you can pick them up for $400–$500. I hope you like Greatest Guns, and if you have pictures of rare, interesting, or unusual guns, please send them to [email protected].
Marlin Model 90
The Marlin Model 90.

This week, sadly, we say goodbye to Gunfight Friday after a four-year run. I appreciate all the gun photos people sent in over all that time, but the truth is, Gunfight Friday required 104 guns a year, and I used up good pictures faster than I got them.

I loved GFF. It was a place to feature reader guns, and I learned a lot from the comments by the very knowledgeable group who read GFF. But, it’s gone, at least for the time being. In its place, we’re starting a new series—“Greatest Guns.” We’ll be running pictures from a variety of sources, including, I hope, F&S readers. I will be going back through my Gunfight Friday files to unearth gems that may not have appeared already. “Greatest,” in the context of this space, will include great guns, of course, but also curiosities, lesser-known models, and some guns that are just iconic old shooters. The series will focus on specific firearms, whereas, say, F&S’s 50 Best Guns Ever Made highlighted models in general.

We’re kicking the series off with a great old shotgun submitted by Martin, who sent in these pictures with a brief note:

“I have…

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