Henry’s Fork

Henry's Fork Days. The Henry’s Fork Foundation was formed in 1983 by a group of visionaries who knew good fishing when they saw it and then decided to swaddle it from future threats. Today, this section of the eastern Idaho’s upper Snake courses through mostly private land, but in part thanks to the HFF, working with landowners, agencies, irrigators, and other partners to improve and maintain river health and access, the watershed remains a trouty utopia—now stirring with stoneflies (just winding down) and green drakes (next in line). The arrival of big bugs kicks off the seasonal party, and the upcoming Henry’s Fork Days event, on June 16-17, adds another dimension to the fiesta. “Farmers, fishermen, outdoor enthusiasts, business owners, and water conservationists along with local residents gather every year to celebrate this fabulous resource,” says HFF Board Member John Gaynor, “and to hear about new and existing conservation programs to ensure the protection and quality of the watershed for the enjoyment of future generations.” This spring marks the event’s 33rd year. The community gathering includes a live and silent auction, award ceremony, river updates, a prime rib dinner, and an open bar. Proceeds help support the HFF's mission to conserve and protect fish and wildlife that call the river home. “As co-chair of this event it's a way for me to give back to the community, while protecting such a vital natural resource,” Gaynor adds. “If we don't work together to protect it, who will?" For more info, visit henrysfork.org or call (208) 652-3567.
HFF photo

The Henry’s Fork Foundation was formed in 1983 by a group of visionaries who knew good fishing when they saw it and then decided to swaddle it from future threats. Today, this section of the eastern Idaho’s upper Snake courses through mostly private land, but in part thanks to the HFF, working with landowners, agencies, irrigators, and other partners to improve and maintain river health and access, the watershed remains a trouty utopia—now stirring with stoneflies (just winding down) and green drakes (next in line).

The arrival of big bugs kicks off the seasonal party, and the upcoming Henry’s Fork…

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