Get in Shape for Waterfowl Season with Clays

It doesn’t take a sporting clays course or skeet field to sharpen your shotgun game. Plus, it’s not a bad way to spend a summer afternoon. The Hard Crosser With your friend standing 40 yards downrange, and safely to one side, have him hurl a clay left to right as hard as he can. Vary the heights. When you start breaking them, move on to doubles if you have a two-clay chucker. Crossing Away Just like the hardest station on the skeet field, station 2, ducks love to bomb into the decoys over a shooter’s shoulder. Passing Ducks Position the thrower directly behind you, elevated on a hill or picnic table if possible. With more than one buddy and thrower, try multiple clays fast and furious, just like a flock of passing ducks. Decoying Ducks Have the thrower send targets toward you from a safe angle so they hit the ground about 20 yards out front. If you have a small pond to practice over, all the better.

It doesn’t take a sporting clays course or skeet field to sharpen your shotgun game. With a buddy, a hand thrower, and a case of clays you can easily mimic common field shots and get in gunning shape for waterfowl season. Plus, it’s not a bad way to spend a summer afternoon.

duck hunting skeet training tips
Four training exercises to up your shotgunning game.

1. The Hard Crosser
With your friend standing 40 yards downrange, and safely to one side, have him hurl a clay left to right as hard as he can. Vary the heights. When you start breaking them, move on to doubles if you have a two-clay chucker. Repeat with right-to-left crossers.

2. Crossing Away
Just like the hardest…

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