Five Takeaways From the 2017 Pheasant Forecast

While it’s too early for official predictions for the fall hunt, Pheasants Forever’s Summer Report takes a first-glance look at what’s happening across the ringneck range. South Dakota is still the king of pheasant states. Even though Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) grasslands have wavered here, and drought has impacted habitat in some of the state, South Dakota will likely see well over a million birds shot this fall. Iowa is coming back strong. After consecutive mild winters, the birds are doing really well across Iowa’s pheasant range. The full report offers all the details, but as always the answer involves habitat, mild winters, and nesting success. Kansas is coming out of a long drought, and bird numbers are working their way back to pre-drought levels. Once again, mild winters have helped. But programs like SAFE (State Acres For wildlife Enhancement) have offset CRP losses to some extent, and provided excellent habitat for pheasants. Habitat is the key to everything.
pheasant hunting
Summer pheasant report.

Don’t worry, you’re not the only pheasant hunter who’s looking forward to October. While it’s too early for official predictions for the fall hunt, Pheasants Forever’s Summer Report takes a first-glance look at what’s happening across the ringneck range. Here are the five key takeaways.

South Dakota is still the king of pheasant states. Even though Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) grasslands have wavered here, and drought has impacted habitat in some of the state, South Dakota will likely see well over a million birds shot this fall. Hunter numbers have been down, which means more room for everybody else to roam. Given a good hatch, the groundwork for which has been laid, South Dakota will beat all comers again in pheasant harvest.

Iowa is coming back strong. After consecutive mild winters, the birds are doing really well across Iowa’s pheasant range. An early spring seems to be helping the hatch. Compared to other states, CRP is humming along relatively smoothly here, which…

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