Firefighters Rescue Trapped Fawns

Firefighters rescue fawns from Arizona wildfire Play Video0:32Live Video Please enable flash to watch this video. Sorry, this video is not available. Firefighters rescue fawns from Arizona wildfire Play Video0:32Live Video 00:00 00:00 buildnumber:0299c0 Last week a team of firefighters managed to save two fawns while battling wildfires in Arizona, in a feat of heroism seldom caught on camera. In the clip above, two firefighters can be seen with the deer tucked under their arms as they quickly haul them out of the hot zone. “They were confused and mama’s gone,” Kale Casey, Goodwin Fire incident management team spokesman told the Washington Post. “There was a 100 percent certainty that these fawns were going to die.” Firefighters are seldom able to rescue wildlife as fast-moving fires cook through forests and overtake animals. But, in this case, members of the Flagstaff Hotshots intercepted the fawns before it was too late. “This is simply an act of what hotshots do. Originally, the crew moved the fawns to an unburned area to be reunited with their mother. But an official from the Prescott National Forest later posted on Facebook that the deer were subsequently transferred to a wildlife-rehabilitation facility after one of the fawns needed help recovering.

Firefighters rescue fawns from Arizona wildfire

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Firefighters rescue fawns from Arizona wildfire

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Last week a team of firefighters managed to save two fawns while battling wildfires in Arizona, in a feat of heroism seldom caught on camera. In the clip above, two firefighters can be seen with the deer tucked under their arms as they quickly haul them out of the hot zone.

“They were confused and mama’s gone,” Kale Casey, Goodwin Fire incident management team spokesman told the Washington Post. “There was a 100 percent certainty that these fawns were going to die.”

Firefighters are seldom able to rescue wildlife as fast-moving fires cook through forests and overtake animals. Crews usually witness the aftermath, and, although…

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