Create a Reel Seat Arbor When Building a Fishing Rod

  • Reel Seat Arbor

reel seat arbor is a relatively simple construction, but its purpose is quite integral to mounting and maintaining the reel seat.

Working primarily to center the reel seat on the rod blank, arbors can be made of multiple different materials and looking further into each material helps decide which one will work for you.

Despite the simplicity of its job, reel seat arbors are often confusing to buy because of the vast number of options and opinions that exist in the rod building community. When purchasing materials for reel seat arbors, make sure you do the research and find the right option.

The Arbor’s Real Purpose in Rod Building

Displacing the distance between the reel seat and rod blank, arbors work to position the reel seat at the centermost point on the rod blank. Since the reel seat is so influential to overall rod performance, arbors are just as important in mounting and maintaining the reel seat’s position.

To begin, select an arbor material that will work for you. Although arbors usually just center the reel seat, some add functional benefits, such…

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