Since 1987 the mantra at Big Chino Guide Service has been “quality over quantity”. They excel at providing their clients with the best trophy opportunities in Arizona for elk, mule deer, mountain lion, and antelope. Arizona is currently producing the largest elk bulls in the world and Big Chino Guide Service has a high success ratio for mature bulls that score 350 B&C points or better.
To book with Big Chino Guide Service, click or call JP at 877-286-4543
JP Vicente originally founded Big Chino Guide Service in 1987 when he returned home from serving in the army. His father introduced him to the outdoors in the form of summer camps and fishing trips. His passion for hunting grew in high school when he spent a significant amount of time deer hunting with his friends and learning archery. His passion for hunting led him to take every opportunity to be in the field and to ultimate make it his profession! The “Leave No Trace” principal started by the US Forest Service is something that JP and the whole crew at Big Chino Guide Service take seriously.
JP is a native Arizonan that grew up in the central mountains of Arizona. His two sons, Michael and Junior, and his daughter Brianna also grew up hunting and fishing and are carrying on those traditions with their own families. Michael has followed in his fathers footsteps at Big Chino Guide Service and has created a name for himself in the hunting industry by putting his hunters on some of the largest game trophies taken in Arizona! Junior has also joined the family business and has an incredible knack for locating trophy animals behind the glass. Junior has been a spotter for Big Chino Guide Service since he was 12.

About Fin & Field
Fin & Field is all about finding your next great adventure. We’re working hard to provide the most comprehensive listing of services, reviews, and far reaching community available to help you take the guesswork out of planning your next adventure.
We believe in the ethical pursuit of hunting and fishing adventures and support taking from the land only what you can use and leaving it in better shape than you found it.
Tight Lines & Happy Hunting!
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